S&P/TSX 綜合指數

TSX slanting down, EWC ETF

Looks like TSX is in general slanting downwards. RSI is continuing to decrease and sets up possibility of large slip to downside similar to October November. In a options trade for Buying vertical put for debit of 0.30 and selling calendar Sept 20 and Oct 18 at debit 0.13. Reward/Risk 2/1.
Closed out most of this trade. Did not go as expected. Had a vertical put along with a calendar call. Closed out the vertical and closed out nearest leg of calendar which I had initially sold. Lost money on the vertical and broke even on the initially sold calendar leg which was bought back.
Will be managing risk by holding onto the unsold leg of call from initial calendar. Purpose of the calendar initially was to decrease the risk trade went in opposite direction of forecast. Holding onto the call until OCT 18 with the belief that TSX will break past resistance and go towards all time highs.

Win some loose some, but getting better with managing risk.

