
One sure thing i have gleaned from this wicked world is that Government are the most dishonest and lying entity on the planet and the masses are always deceived initially.
Now the markets - Looks like a possible minor Wave C bounce has started, although this could fade...whatever the outcome, a major Wave C down will come when this bounce exhausts itself.

So what will be the catalyst...what's so massive to blow up the system completely? It cannot be the "virus" or severe economic numbers as the market would already be pricing in 80/90% drops already. Something much more sinister is lurking and waiting to appear. Remember the social media failing at times last year?....test runs.

Repo market injections in how many hundreds of BILLIONS last year because they knew to prepare the system for a major haemorrhage coming this year. FEMA telling citizens to get a six month supply of food and water since last's NOT for the "virus".

Once it's's too late.
Trend Analysis
