
Dead Market Walking

Fractal777 已更新   
Today's rally with higher volume is the likely beginning of minor wave 2 up in an ABC minor rally.
Wave 1 down of 3 looks complete, perhaps a week to complete this rally before the dam bursts.

A target of 32,200-32,500 could be reached, not necessary to reach these levels. The clock is fast running down towards that critical point of inflection.
This market is on very borrowed time, a dead market walking with very little interest to can sense a stillness of waiting for the shoe to drop.

This counter rally is the very last chance to exit before a frenzy of selling. Every bear market begins the same, not everyone can get out lightly.

The UK gets another PM, a WEF puppet who puts the energy crisis as her first priority. The same type of person who like her E.U minions, place severe sanctions on Russia and curb Russia's oil and gas sales to Europe so as to "weaken" Russia's economy.
Instead, we have Russia selling oil and gas to China who sell to back to Europe...go figure.

Now we have Europe without much energy approaching winter, energy prices have sky rocketed by anything from 100% to 1000% and destroying the E.U economy by design.
Businesses are closing, folks are bankrupt...only the wealthy ignore the pain coming.

A systemic collapse way worse than 2008 is very close. Multiple failures and events will come to pass...the truth is brutal and beyond comprehension.
Most folks are blindly ignorant, they choose their short term comforts and bubble life without any consideration for the bigger picture or fellow citizens who are aware and warning of this impending enslavement.

Next time you walk past a bank or an ATM, pull out some cash to get by for the week, use cash instead of their beast system. Global Walkout week is here, say no to the digital system before you can't.
Being dependent on a phone or plastic card to pay, makes you vulnerable to the coming day when the system goes down.
Cash will be are front running what's coming.

Gold and silver have been lacklustre to say the least, more price falls are likely in the weeks ahead. Just hold and be patient, once the hoards see what's going down, these masses WILL stampede to the metals.

Appreciate a thumbs up...God Trading & God Bless!
Current price 31,850...shorting here up to 32,250.
Bet the farm!
