美元 / 瑞士法郎

Weekly Forex Overview

Hello Traders,

This week I am going to include my intense review of the pair I trade which is currently 16 different pairs and a few of the categories will have more pairs than others but this is what I have found works with my trading style and if you would like me to go through a few other pairs just comment on one of my post this week and I can do a different analysis for whatever you guys want.

I know it seemed like I am going to attach all of the analysis here but, it is going to be a lot of information so I am going to break it up into a bunch of different post so it will not be too overwhelming. Hopefully these posts will give you a better idea of how I trade and how I actually view the charts from my perspective. Try to pay attention to what I post for this week I am going to be updating you guys on what trades I am taking and how I am able to manage the trades throughout the week as well.

Like always, please feel free to reach out to me via the comment section or a personal message and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. I hope you enjoy these next few posts and I really hope it benefitted you guys and girls in some shape or form.

Thanks again,

