
USDJPY, bullish trend in Week 13, how about Week 14?

FX:USDJPY   美元 / 日圓
USDJPY moved accordingly to our analysis of Week 13, it made a bullish move as expected. Even though the move was not large, but any traders making a long position would be able to make good gains out of their trades. Congratulations to all traders longing USDJPY!

For the week of 13, we can see that it completed a three level of Bullish trend. Even though the last level is very small and close, but it does fulfill the principles of the analysis, thus it was being identified as a bullish zone.

On Friday, it ended the week with a possible reversal pattern at level 3 of the bullish, thus we gain comfort in looking at the pair to regain the bearish move in Week 14.

I would be monitoring the pair and would be shorting them for Week 14, align with the outlook of the analysis.

I hope all traders continue to make a good profit in the coming Week 14. If my analysis helped you in any way, please like and follow me in Tradingview, thank you!!

