Core and headline CPI - Update from 12 Dec 2023

The Core and Headline CPI Chart

This CPI chart illustrates the following:
- You can clearly see how Core CPI is less volatile than Headline CPI. Core CPI removes the volatile food and energy expenditures to provide a more general view of underlying inflation (based on a fixed basket of goods)

- It is clear that we are not at the Federal Reserves target of 2% which is also outlined on the chart (purple line). It is critical to understand that we are still not at or below the target 2% level regardless of the FOMC’s determination of a likely hold on interest rates and reductions to interest rates in 2024. Lets see can the target be met first.

- You can see that since 2002 Core CPI has fluctuated one standard deviation above and below the 2% inflation level between 1% and 3%. It is clear that we are not back into this standardised zone between 1 – 3%.

Im sharing this chart now to lock it in as it will feature in tomorrows Macro Monday

See you there


