United States Oil Fund

Update: Week In Review/Forecast | #USOil #USO #Oil #Brent


USOil has behaved closed to our original forecast, remaining close to the price level of our original predictive analysis without much adverse excursion. And yet, the bearish market reversal confirmation signal has rung clearer and louder, so targets will remain as bearish as they ever were at the onset of the chart inception.

No change in directional bias: Bearish; Targets are intact and much in force. See our original chart:
- tradingview.com/v/BSOqfDs2/

Just remember:

"The stock market is a wonderfully efficient mechanism for transferring wealth from the impatient to the patient"
- Warren Buffett


David Alcindor | 4xQuad.com
Predictive Analysis & Forecasting


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