WTI 原油差價合約

Look what I stumbled on

I was circling through commodities (put BTC and ETH in my commodities watchlist, what are you going to do about it?), and I saw this.
Quite peculiar init?


Is this a thing now?



Maybe it is christmas early?
Too much volatility kills the volatility.

Got my eye on GBPUSD too. Different story thought. Might be soon, something to do while waiting for the rest.
I think it will drop another 200 points or 1.5% in non retard units ( ;] ), then reverse. There is no "capitulation here". I only buy the dip if it slows down. Hammer or something.


I have a feeling they are all going to move at the same time? Oil got a little "advance" on Bitcoin, but not much.
Please no. Please not nothing for weeks then all at the same time.

Good thing I also look at stokesss.

By the way, looking at plenty helps get a bigger picture I think, and also avoid being married to something and overtrade and be delusional like cryptards or stock bagholders.
It's "harder" of course thought, better for full time nolifers that can follow plenty of things at the same time. So I don't know if I actually recommend this.
Works for me... Oh wait I failed my last long on BTC entered too early even thought my target had always been 3666 I waited MONTHS for this I forgot and ended up entering >4000.
Ok bad advice don't look at too much different charts :'D
Have to be organised with notes and everything...
In chronological/logical order: Gold Oil Bitcoin.


Gold still pumping, could go to 1300 but I really have no idea.
I think I know how these dumps work, and when to enter for reversal, but I really have no idea how far it goes once I enter.

What I know is that gold is tightening.

Next, Oil which is at an earlier stage than gold, but a few days in advance compared to Bitcoin. HAH! I dropped as expected. Moving forwards to next stage.
There are some support but only fools catch falling knives like this (or insiders, or investors when companies are cheap obviously)

Then last, Bitcoin, still at the dead cat bounce stage.

I spent 6 months studying momentum I think I am getting good at it.
Last thing I learned was to wait for confirmation.
First there are some conditions, but once support is hit, no point rushing.
The best is to wait a day or two, see what happens (or hour or two in specific cases but longer term has way more potential it is better).

Really the people that suck and lose are those that do not wait.
Eat soooo many losers to "not miss out". Just wait. Wait. Wait.

Brainlets on twitter/stocktwits using people fomo to try and get buyers I am thinking of stocks and crypto "if you wait you will miss it" "they waited for x price then they waited for confirmation" bla bla bla nonsense of pure trash.
These apes have been trading for years and they're still not at 7 figures, begging for 5$ donations obviously they are failures.

Those that want to countertrend buy/sell (only way to play this game I know, if you were looking for a trend follower you came to the wrong place :p) is to be conservative, wait for confirmation, and let other buyers show their hand - real buyers not minute candle price manipulators. OR in the case of investing buy cheap - valid for companies only, pet rocks, magic coins, even energies do not have a value that can be calculated in the same way

This is my favorite chart now, after Dow Jones and Bitcoin ones


