CBOE S&P 500 3-Month Volatility Index

VIX - Observations & Vibrations!!!

Standy-bye...Bust it!!!
Note: This isn't about a "Trade-War Phase-1"...Fookin Situational-Awareness-Look at the political backdrop across the globe, Fookin Fed just released a paper stating global negative rate environment is going to bring down the "Neutral Rate"...What the Fook is that? They have no clue and most others do not either....but it is perception that leads to vibrations w/2nd/3rd order effect(s)....I am Not a Fookin Bear or Bull...100% Agnostic....Fook your Tribes & Packs...What is in front of us?

Simpleton-Leadership....TEAMs/Priorities & Execution! Face Shots Only!!! Should be Interesting...TBD!
Spidey-Sense Heightened...Eyes Wide Open

Fast is Smooth & Smooth is Fast! High-Ground, Never give up real estate already taken...
Best read of the day....
First, forget last week’s much hyped “trade truce” – Trump is still lollygagging about he’s still wondering whether to make a deal, and how China are waiting for him to opine on their options. It’s utter nonsense. A trade deal is at best a 50/50 call. It’s something that could happen, but equally it might not. On one hand, any trade agreement is subject to Trump’s mood. Markets moving on a capricious president’s whims and hopes of winning an election does not seem like a promising foundation on which to base long-term investment strategies.

The reality is a trade agreement/accommodation with China is not in America’s gift – it’s a two-sided negotiation between two empowered nation states. It is not for Trump to dictate terms on the basis of how it plays to his electorate – Xi and the Chinese increasingly understand.


