mdia3, meal3, mglu3, neoe3 and more, analisis

mdia3, meal3, mglu3, neoe3, odpv3, pomo4, sbsp3, vlid3

Some assets forgotten in the bull market with a good risk-return ratio (in my point of view)

mdia3 is close to support, and recently gots close to the minimun of the coronacrash.
meal3 is moving sideways since the coronacrash, allowing good trades in the area
mglu3 I would buy under the all time high price minus 40%.
neoe3 is close to a support and I'd say it's possible to do a beatiful bullrun.
odpv3 is moving sideways, and allows a short stop.
pomo4 is stuck at this price for a long time too, since coronacrash.
sbsp3 seems to have potential for me.
vlid3 is close to a resistence, i hope it give me anote chance to buy under 7.5. but I'd try to buy if it consolidates above 11.

I'm posting this sequence of ideas to follow thru the next months.

