VLS Finance Ltd is primarily engaged in the business of financial services with major presence in Asset Management, Strategic Private Equity Investments, Arbitrage and more.
PE of 3.6 vs Industry PE of 19
Company is almost debt free.
Stock is trading at 0.29 times its book value.
The Co has total investments worth 1439 crores as of March 2021. Major holdings of the Co include - 1.6 crore shares of Relaxo Footwear, 6.5 lakh shares of Tata Steel BSL, 2.5 lakh shares of NBCC among others.
The Company is continuing its efforts to increase its retail broking business as their brokerage income increased by 400% compared to the last year.
The Merchant Banking Division of the Company is continuing to explore possibilities of making inroads in consultancy and similar fee based services.