This is why you need to be cautious and place a stop at $10.72:
Teucrium Wheat Fund (WEAT)
Unlike many commodity ETFs, this product doesn’t just cycle into the next month as expiration approaches. It rather utilizes a much more in-depth approach. The product uses three futures contracts for wheat, all of which are traded on the CBOT Futures Exchange. The three contracts include the second-to-expire contract, weighted 35%; the third-to-expire contract, weighted 30%; and the contract expiring in the December following the expiration month of the third-to-expire contract, weighted 35%.
The fund has amassed $18.3 million in its asset base and trades in low volumes of about 58,000 shares a day. The product is quite a high-cost choice in the agricultural space as it charges a fee of 3.74% per year. The ETF has lost more than 13% in the first month of 2015 and has a Zacks ETF Rank of 4 or ‘Sell’ rating with a High risk outlook