Walmart Inc.

Walmart Day Chart, Gap Fill 5/1/2020

Looking at Walmarts chart it seems like it is infamous for filling gaps made pretty quickly

last gap made was around the 127.33 price which i think will get filled tomorrow on 5/1/2020 to start the month our in green

but it seems like whenever gaps are filled they are taken right back so maybe set a TP for the 127 price range

also MACD on average makes around 3-4 bearish candles on the day chart before it makes a lighter red and smaller bearish candle

it seems like we are headed in that route especially after Walmart's huge sell off recently

i think walmart is one of the stronger retail business' (if not the strongest) during a recession or during hard times

there is no reason for the huge sell off, it will be back at ATHs in the next two weeks and hitting 127 either tomorrow or Monday

