黃金現貨 / 美元

GOLD DXY Negative correlation

On this chart you can see comparison of the monthly gold price with the U.S. dollar index over the last 10 years. As you can see here, obviously, Gold and DXY have negative correlation.

However, I would like to bring your attention to the following. If you look at the chart of historical data for gold prices for the past century till present with indicated recession periods, you will easily spot V-shape gold price line formation. This time it will be the same and it seems that currently V-shape already begin to forming.

Overall, on the chart you can see a Cup&Handle pattern and we are watching of beautiful handle of this pattern is forming.

What do you think about the Gold long-term? I think it is a pretty good hedge against fiat inflation. I personally building my inventory against inflation with the following proportion: 10% gold, 35% crypto and the rest for some value stocks. How are you prepared?

