NEM / Bitcoin

NEM is MEN spelt backwards!

You'd have thought with a name like NEM that the obvious ticker name would have been NEM. But no, we're stuck with XEM!

For those of you that aren't already familiar with NEM, NEM is a highly regarded Chinese blockchain project to compete with Etherium, EOS and others. What gets people super excited about this particular blockchain is that they appear to be viewed favorably by the Chinese Government, and with China being a huge market, that gets people all hot and sticky!nity

Right now NEM is at bargain basement levels and looks like it could be ready to head higher. While there is certainly a short term trade opportunity here, I really think this could be a 10x from here if you're prepared to hold it long term.

Take a look at this weekly chart....


NEM weekly moon chart!
It's looking pretty delicious, right?

I think there could be a small downwards move from here, but our potential upside is HUGE.

Please like and follow for updates and new trade ideas.

