
Looking for a top in Palladium ...

=> This is a very important chart update for those following Palladium
=> Here from an EW perspective the market is starting to near the extension target for the 5th wave ... we know in advance that this will trigger a lot of profit taking as bulls begin unwinding their positions after 3 years from the early 2016 lows.
=> It's time to stay alert and watch price action like a hawk at these levels to see how it develops. The correction could likely end up retracing anywhere from 23.6% - 38.2% of the entire advance which would put fair value around 860.
=> Keep your eye here as we are ending the year sharks are looking to start trading 2019 expectations as early as possible so we might kickstart this flow with a knee-jerk from FED....
=> Good luck to those who are trading Palladium and other commodities for the year ahead.
We have an update to our Palladium chart for those interested,

Meaningful top in play...

