
XRP - yearly cycles, history that rhymes?

Some of Tsaklanos 1/99 Investing Principles (from investinghaven.com)

Only 1% of news is relevant to investors while 99% is noise.
Only 1% of price points on a chart are relevant while 99% is irrelevant.
Only 1% of the blockchain investment opportunities as well as crypto investment opportunities are really attractive.
Only 1% of the time should investors be doing trades while 99% of time they should follow / research / analyze.
Only 1% of the this-stock-will-make-you-rich is accurate while 99% is worthless.
Only 1% of stocks or assets or markets has a clear and outspoken chart setup that is worth a trade in while 99% is not.
Only 1% of time on the chart defines great entry and exit points while 99% is meant to follow and/or prepare the trade.

