
Xrp further deflation over US dollar XRP/BTC further drop points

milanjelic 已更新   
Hi guys.

Welcome to XRP analysis update.

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I will be brief, because there is not to much to add about it as everything happened as on analysis posted on October.5h.

These are some interesting facts :

* Marketcap of XRP during past week was worth 21.2 billion US dollars on October 5th when previous TA was posted.
*At the time of posting, XRP price was 0.52 USD.
*In the meantime, XRP already deflated more than 12% since (in 5 days period).
*Current XRP marketcap is 18.5 billion US dollars (compared to previous 21,2) at the October gives nearly 3 billion nominal loss.
*Current XRP price is 0.463$ with tendency going lower.


XRP is generally bearish.

Daily RSI indicates further downward momentum.
Previous drop levels posted were (0.49 , 0.47. 0.44. 0.41 ...)
0.49$ and 0.47$ are passed (while we had rebound on both of them).
0.44$ remains unchanged as 0.41$ along with new lows.

Most likely we will see further lows on XRP (as per chart decribed).
Don't rush with rebuy (you saw your self, if your would have rebought 5 days ago on XRP, you would lose more than 10% in US dollars.

Thanks for reading.
Good luck

