
Where to buy XRP? | Wave Analysis

Having legal issues with SEC, XRP has lost a big % of its value lately, causing many buyers to panic sell, due to the negative nature of the news. Although these dips must remind us that we should start take the chance and fill our bags will XRP, before the storm is over and price retreats to new highs.

Personally, I have already started buying the small dips, but what about the major buying opportunity. Well, by analyzing the recent wave sequence of XRP price and realizing that a falling wedge is being formed, I have no reasons to not chase a good buy.

All the details are already mentioned in the chart, so there's nothing more from me to mention here but a tip. When these situations appear, try to split your capital in pieces and never use it all on one price level, because if you try to catch a falling knife, the chances of you getting hurt are big.

Hope I helped some people by sharing my clarity, and gave some food for thought to any wave theory enthusiasts like me.
