More money for same amount of food now !

read article here

Yes, we will need to make more money to purchase the same amount of food than before as the price has gone up or inflated. Whatever the reasons you like to believe to cause the inflation, the outcome is the same - you will need more money than before to purchase the same amount of food.

Options you have ? Substitute the food for a cheaper brand or reduce the amount of intake. Or eliminate it from your diet.

Or you could find ways to make more money so your lifestyle is not so affected. To me, investing, trading is a very good way. I wish I was much much more financial savvy in my teens instead of spending money on branded stuff and lots of pretty useless stuff, haha.

Praise the God !!!!
Do take some profits as we are approaching a triple top formation, ie correction is likely...
Praise the Lord !!!
I was totally shocked as I adjusted my stop loss in view of a pending correction......It went up like a rocket, not what I like to see . That means, the correction will be just as hard except we dunno when.
Praise God. Our soft commodities have been performing very well thus far........
take some profits
Chart PatternsTrend AnalysisZW1!

