THISMA cbpremium


This script is tailored for traders interested in monitoring the premium difference between the Coinbase BTCUSD pair and another selected exchange.

Key Features:

- Customizable Exchange Selection: Users can input the symbol of any other exchange to compare against Coinbase's BTCUSD pair. The default comparison is set against BITFINEX:BTCUSD.

- Real-Time Premium Calculation: The script calculates the premium or discount of Coinbase's Bitcoin price over the chosen exchange. It does this by subtracting the closing price of Bitcoin on the selected exchange from Coinbase's closing price.

- Intuitive Color Coding: The premium difference is visually represented in a histogram format. If Coinbase's price is higher, the bar is shown in a bright yellow (RGB: 236, 222, 92), indicating a premium. If it's lower, the bar is displayed in a deep blue (RGB: 46, 125, 189), signifying a discount.


- Market Comparison: This tool is excellent for traders who want to compare Bitcoin's market value across different exchanges quickly. It helps in identifying potential arbitrage opportunities.

- Price Analysis: By understanding the premium or discount of Bitcoin on Coinbase compared to another exchange, traders can gain insights into market sentiment and potential price movements on different platforms.

