Library "DrawingTypes" User Defined Types for basic drawing structure. Other types and methods will be built on these.
Point Point refers to point on chart Fields: price: pivot price bar: pivot bar bartime: pivot bar time
LineProperties Properties of line object Fields: xloc: X Reference - can be either xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index extend: Property which sets line to extend towards either right or left or both. Valid values are extend.right, extend.left, extend.both, extend.none. Default is extend.none color: Line color style: Line style, valid values are line.style_solid, line.style_dashed, line.style_dotted, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both. Default is line.style_solid width: Line width. Default is 1
Line Line object created from points Fields: start: Starting point of the line end: Ending point of the line properties: LineProperties object which defines the style of line object: Derived line object
LabelProperties Properties of label object Fields: xloc: X Reference - can be either xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index yloc: Y reference - can be yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar. Default is yloc.price color: Label fill color style: Label style as defined in Default is label.style_none textcolor: text color. Default is size: Label text size. Default is size.normal. Other values are, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge textalign: Label text alignment. Default if text.align_center. Other allowed values - text.align_right, text.align_left, text.align_top, text.align_bottom text_font_family: The font family of the text. Default value is font.family_default. Other available option is font.family_monospace
Label Label object Fields: point: Point where label is drawn lblText: label text tooltip: Tooltip text. Default is na properties: LabelProperties object object: Pine label object
Linefill Linefill object Fields: line1: First line to create linefill line2: Second line to create linefill fillColor: Fill color transparency: Fill transparency range from 0 to 100 object: linefill object created from wrapper
BoxProperties BoxProperties object Fields: border_color: Box border color. Default is bgcolor: box background color border_width: Box border width. Default is 1 border_style: Box border style. Default is line.style_solid extend: Extend property of box. default is extend.none xloc: defines if drawing needs to be done based on bar index or time. default is xloc.bar_index
BoxText Box Text properties. Fields: boxText: Text to be printed on the box text_size: Text size. Default is text_color: Box text color. Default is color.yellow. text_halign: horizontal align style - default is text.align_center text_valign: vertical align style - default is text.align_center text_wrap: text wrap style - default is text.wrap_auto text_font_family: Text font. Default is
Box Box object Fields: p1: Diagonal point one p2: Diagonal point two properties: Box properties textProperties: Box text properties object: Box object created
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