Order Flow Register

Order flow register is a tool showing history of transactions done recently. It analyze volume and price data to estimate how many "bid" and "ask" transaction was done on the market.
Typically bid transactions are done by active sellers (with passive buyers) and ask by active buyers (with passive sellers).
The advantage of ask transactions shows the emotions of buyers who are willing to pay more to buy.
The advantage of bid transactions shows the emotions of sellers who are willing to sell cheaper to exit the position.

This tool requires frequently updated real-time data to function efficiently.

Warning !
TradingView has a data delay feature on many exchanges (10-30 minutes) and real-time data are extra paid in that case. Missing real-time data source will limit the functionality of the script to educational purposes only.

User Interface:
In the table placed in the right-top corner you can find transaction data in 3 columns. First with bid transaction volume, second with price and third with ask transaction volume.
Value shown between "Ask" and "Bid" labels is showing price change done with last transaction (usefull when agregate option is on).
If agregate option is on:
- Addition row with last registered transaction is shown over labels(row with "Big" and "Ask" label).
- Price label of active row (first below the labels) has changing background color linearly between ask and bid value depending in which part of agregated price slot current price is.

Script settings:
Agregate - Option to agregate transactions into areas of some height
FieldHeight = 10^ - Area height on the chart:
0 - 1$
1 = 10$
2 = 100$
3 = 1000$
-1 = 0.1$
-2 = 0.01$
-3 = 0.001$

In case of any problems, please send error details to the author of the script.
Candlestick AnalysisFLOWfootprintorderorderfloworderflowtradingVolume


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