
COT (Legacy): Largest 8 Gross

Percents of Open Interest held by the largest eight reportable traders from legacy commitment of traders (COT) report. Computed on a gross long and gross short basis. For the main symbol but also allows to override it. Also allows to include options in consideration.

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study("Largest 8 Gross", shorttitle="Lrg8G", precision=1)
force_root = input("", title="Override Product")
is_includeoptions = input(false, type=bool, title="Include Options")

fxroot =
	  ticker == "USDCAD" ? "CD" : 
	  ticker == "USDCAD" ? "CD" : 
	  ticker == "USDCHF" ? "SF" : 
	  ticker == "USDCZK" ? "CZ" : 
	  ticker == "USDHUF" ? "FR" : 
	  ticker == "USDILS" ? "IS" : 
	  ticker == "USDJPY" ? "JY" : 
	  ticker == "USDMXN" ? "MP" : 
	  ticker == "USDNOK" ? "UN" : 
	  ticker == "USDPLN" ? "PZ" : 
	  ticker == "USDRUB" ? "RU" : 
	  ticker == "USDSEK" ? "SE" : 
	  ticker == "USDZAR" ? "RA" : 
	  ticker == "EURUSD" ? "EC" : 
	  ticker == "AUDUSD" ? "AD" : 
	  ticker == "GBPUSD" ? "BP" : 
	  ticker == "NZDUSD" ? "NE" : 
	  ticker == "BRLUSD" ? "BR" : 
root = force_root == "" ? fxroot == "" ? syminfo.root : fxroot : force_root
code = root + (is_includeoptions ? "_FO" : "_F") + "_L_ALL_CR"

long = security("QUANDL:CFTC/"+code+"|2", "D", close)
short = security("QUANDL:CFTC/"+code+"|3", "D", close) 

plot(long, color = green, title="Long")
plot(short, color = red, title="Short")
plot(long-short, color=yellow, title="Net", style=histogram)
hline(0, color=yellow, linestyle=dashed)