
5 Minute Scalping Strategy

Taking entrys based on the 1 minute timeframe MACD
only taking longs when all emas are in the correct order and there is a bigger than usual MACD downtick and the RSI is above 51

only taking shorts when all emas are in the opposite order and there is a bigger than usual uptick on the MACD and the RSI is bellow 49

bigger than usual ticks are defined by bollinger bands around the Macd and the ticks have to be higher than 35 and lower than -10

you can change whatever setting you like to make the strategy more profitible. pls share when you find a more profitible setting than me

the stoploss doesnt work correct if it would be hit in the same candle you enter the trade. pls share when you have a solution for this

the stratagy is profitible when i backtested it for the last month, but i dont know how it will play out in the future, so you enter the signals at your own risk

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