
[RS]Renko Moving Average V1

request for coondawg71
added atr bands.

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study("[RS]Renko Moving Average V1", shorttitle="[RS]RMA.V1", overlay=true)
decay = input(250, type=float) * syminfo.mintick
detection = input(1)
smooth = input(2)
hh = highest(detection)
ll = lowest(detection)

rprice = round(close/decay)*decay
predosc = nz(dosc[1], rprice)
dosc = hh > predosc + decay and hh+decay < predosc + decay ? predosc + decay :
         hh > predosc + decay and hh+decay > predosc + decay ? rprice :
         ll < predosc - decay and ll-decay > predosc - decay ? predosc - decay :
         ll < predosc - decay and ll-decay < predosc - decay ? rprice : predosc

//bricksize = input(100) * syminfo.mintick
smoothprice = sma(dosc, smooth)

p0 = plot(smoothprice, color=black, linewidth=2)
p1 = plot(rprice, color=gray)
//  ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
//  ||  ATR bands
atr_length = input(title='ATR Length:', type=integer, defval=14, minval=1)
atr_multiplier = input(title='ATR Multiplier:', type=float, defval=1.0)
top_band = smoothprice + atr(atr_length) * atr_multiplier
bot_band = smoothprice - atr(atr_length) * atr_multiplier
plot(title='TB', series=top_band, color=red)
plot(title='BB', series=bot_band, color=lime)