Library "KwakPineHelper" TODO: add library description here
fun(x) TODO: add function description here Parameters: x (float): TODO: add parameter x description here Returns: TODO: add what function returns
all_opentrades_size() get all opentrades size Returns: (float) size
recent_opentrade_profit() get recent opentrade profit Returns: (float) profit
all_opentrades_profit() get all opentrades profit Returns: (float) profit
recent_closedtrade_profit() get recent closedtrade profit Returns: (float) profit
recent_opentrade_max_runup() get recent opentrade max runup Returns: (float) runup
recent_closedtrade_max_runup() get recent closedtrade max runup Returns: (float) runup
recent_opentrade_max_drawdown() get recent opentrade maxdrawdown Returns: (float) mdd
recent_closedtrade_max_drawdown() get recent closedtrade maxdrawdown Returns: (float) mdd
max_open_trades_drawdown() get max open trades drawdown Returns: (float) mdd
recent_opentrade_commission() get recent opentrade commission Returns: (float) commission
recent_closedtrade_commission() get recent closedtrade commission Returns: (float) commission
qty_by_percent_of_equity(percent) get qty by percent of equtiy Parameters: percent (float): (series float) percent that you want to set Returns: (float) quantity
qty_by_percent_of_position_size(percent) get size by percent of position size Parameters: percent (float): (series float) percent that you want to set Returns: (float) size
is_day_change() get bool change of day Returns: (bool) day is change or not
is_in_trade(numberOfBars) get bool using number of bars Parameters: numberOfBars (int) Returns: (bool) allowedToTrade