Crypto Spot Market Bot

Hello Friends.

This script is only for long positions.

How does the algorithm work ?

  • The Relative Momentum Index
  • Relative Strength İndex
  • Average Directional Movement İndex
  • Momentum


When rsi and adx produce signals in the same direction, the rmi indicator confirms the signal. After the Confirmed Signal, the buy-side transaction is entered , the closed according to the % of profit taking and stoploss specified on the algorithm in the entered transaction.


In the spot market, it is possible to make money even in a down trend

All shared charts run within a 1-hour time frame.

Note : The shared backtest results have been shared as of 9/9/2021 by calculating 50% balance and 2 pyramiding methods in an account of 1000 dollars. Keep in mind that this algorithm will want to try to average down in possible worst-case scenarios. 2% - %3take profit levels will provide consecutive gains in the spot market.

How should the adjustments be made?

Value variables should be made according to formula a and formula b values ​​and backtest results. You can increase the frequency of transactions by lowering the adx and rsi values.

Alarm Features ;

  • Signal Alert
  • TakeProfit Alert
  • Stoploss Alert.

Overview :




Backtest Script Link :
Crypto Spot Market Bot | Backtest

