SMA Diff strat

Hello Tradingviewers

I don’t claim that anything I share is original, but I will never intentionally steal someone else’s work other than using plug and play pieces of code that are shared publicly

This strategy's code is the same from the previous "study" post that can be found here:
SMA Diff Std

It's primarily made for back-testing

Indicator info:
In addition to the main entry/exit points marked in green/red circles, this indicator as many others can be used in more than one way, see the chart for details

Any kind of feedback is appreciated, coding advice and such…
Feel free to use and share but please no commercial use. Happy trading everyone

ETH/TUSD: 0xc66c009140553ef5dec23045399d9dcfddd096a5
LTC: LW4TP527c3HK6FnewXRZt3i6jnrhAynJMA
XVG: DE7uD66rYdmpqe4Fd3MxsXv7F1kNfCrzLk

