Financials based on Piotroski F-Score

Financials based on Piotroski F-Score includes 2 languages : Vietnamese and English

Select Quarterly or Annual Financial Statements:
Select Quarterly Report

Select Annual Financial Statements

Convert to billions:

Note the abbreviations:
1. Rev: Total revenue
2. Gross: Gross profit (Gross Margin)
3. OI: Operating Income
4. Net: Net Income (Net Margin)
5. FCO: Cash From Operating Activities
6. ROA: Return on assets
7. C: Deferred Income, Current
8. N: Deferred Income, Non-Current
9. TAS: Total assets (Asset turnover)
10. Debt: Total liabilities
11. E: Debt to EBITDA ratio
12. L_debt: Long term debt to total assets ratio
13. Cur: Current ratio
14. INV: Total inventories (Inventory turnover)
15. TSO: Total Shares Outstanding (Diluted EPS )
16. Graham: Graham's number (close/Graham's number)
17. F_score: Piotroski F-score

Select item Financials on chart:

Manual Financials based on Piotroski F-Score:

The Piotroski F-Score is the sum of 9 components related to profitability, leverage and op. efficiency. These nine components are each given a pass (1) or fail (0). The sum of these parts results in the F-Score. For each criteria that a company meets, it's F-Score is increased by 1.

Profitability Components
- Positive Net Income -> 1
- Positive Operating Cash Flow -> 1
- Higher ROA than Previous Period -> 1
- CFO > NI -> 1

Leverage Components
- Decline in Long Term Debt -> 1
- Higher Current Ratio than Previous Period ->1
- Less Dilution (# of Shares Outstanding) than Previous Period -> 1

Operating Efficiency Components
- Higher Gross Margin than Previous Period -> 1
- Higher Asset Turnover than Previous Period -> 1

If you invested in only those companies that scored best or highest (8 or 9) on his nine-point scale, or F-Score as he called it, over the 20 year period from 1976 to 1996, you would have outperformed the market by an average of 13.4% per year - and this over 20 years!
That sounds just about too good to be true. But it is true!

Update Total Equity and Debt-to-equity ratio.
Eq: Total Equity
D/E : Debt-to-equity ratio
financialFundamental Analysis


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