Noro's Fast RSI Strategy v1.2


- crypto/fiat
- crypto/crypto
- timeframes: 1hour, 30min, 15min, 5min

Strategy uses 2 indicators:

1) RSI indicator, period = 7 (default)
2) EMA Body, period = 30

EMA Body

Step 1. The candle body size is calculated = abs(close-open)
Step 2. The average size of a body of a candle is calculated. Only 30 last candles. EMA .
Step 3. If the body of the current candle is less than a half of a body of an average candle, then such candle is ignored by strategy because too small.


If RSI < RSI Limit and the body of a candle is more than a body of an average candle / 4 - to open long.
If RSI > RSI Limit and the body of a candle is more than a body of an average candle / 2 - to close long.
If RSI > (100 - RSI Limit) and the body of a candle is more than a body of an average candle / 4 - to open short.
If RSI < (100 - RSI Limit) and the body of a candle is more than a body of an average candle / 2 - to close short.
Trend Analysis


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