
Balance of Power [SYNC & TRADE]

1 487
Balance of Power [SYNC & TRADE]

This indicator analyzes the balance of power between buyers and sellers in the market. It uses volume, price action and the relative strength index (RSI) to determine the strength of buyers and sellers, as well as to identify potential zones where one side dominates the other.

How it works
The indicator calculates the average volume over a specified period.
It determines the strength of each bar, taking into account volume and price action.
RSI is used as an additional factor to assess the strength of the trend.
Based on these factors, the "balance of power" between buyers and sellers is calculated.
When the balance of power exceeds a specified threshold, the indicator marks the beginning of the "buyer zone" or "seller zone".

How to use
Add the indicator to your chart in TradingView.
Configure the input parameters:
"Period for average volume": determines the sensitivity to volume changes.
"RSI period": affects the sensitivity of the RSI to price changes.
"Strength threshold": sets the level for determining a significant imbalance.
"Table Size": select the appropriate size of the information table.
Observe the signals on the chart:
Blue triangle up: the beginning of the buyer zone.
Red triangle down: the beginning of the seller zone.
Use the information table to get additional data:
Current balance of power
Buyers or sellers have strength
Current RSI value

Comprehensive analysis of market conditions
Visual signals for potential entry points
Customizable parameters to adapt to different trading styles
Informative table for quick analysis of the current situation

Like any indicator, it can give false signals
Requires additional analysis and confirmation with other tools
Efficiency may vary depending on market conditions
Use this indicator in combination with other analysis methods to make trading decisions. Experiment with the settings to optimize for your trading style and selected assets.

Balance of Power [SYNC & TRADE] Ru

Этот индикатор анализирует баланс сил между покупателями и продавцами на рынке. Он использует объем, ценовое движение и индекс относительной силы (RSI) для определения силы покупателей и продавцов, а также для выявления потенциальных зон, где одна сторона доминирует над другой.

Как это работает
Индикатор рассчитывает среднее значение объема за указанный период.
Он определяет силу каждого бара, учитывая объем и ценовое движение.
RSI используется как дополнительный фактор для оценки силы тренда.
На основе этих факторов вычисляется "баланс сил" между покупателями и продавцами.
Когда баланс сил превышает заданный порог, индикатор отмечает начало "зоны покупателей" или "зоны продавцов".

Как использовать
Добавьте индикатор на ваш график в TradingView.
Настройте входные параметры:
"Период для среднего объема": определяет чувствительность к изменениям объема.
"Период RSI": влияет на чувствительность RSI к ценовым изменениям.
"Порог силы": устанавливает уровень для определения значимого дисбаланса.
"Размер таблицы": выберите подходящий размер информационной таблицы.
Наблюдайте за сигналами на графике:
Синий треугольник вверх: начало зоны покупателей.
Красный треугольник вниз: начало зоны продавцов.
Используйте информационную таблицу для получения дополнительных данных:
Текущий баланс сил
Наличие силы у покупателей или продавцов
Текущее значение RSI

Комплексный анализ рыночных условий
Визуальные сигналы для потенциальных точек входа
Настраиваемые параметры для адаптации к разным торговым стилям
Информативная таблица для быстрого анализа текущей ситуации

Как и любой индикатор, может давать ложные сигналы
Требует дополнительного анализа и подтверждения другими инструментами
Эффективность может варьироваться в зависимости от рыночных условий

Используйте этот индикатор в сочетании с другими методами анализа для принятия торговых решений. Экспериментируйте с настройками для оптимизации под ваш торговый стиль и выбранные активы.
Balance of Power [SYNC & TRADE]
This indicator analyzes the balance of power between buyers and sellers in the market. It uses volume, price action and the relative strength index (RSI) to determine the strength of buyers and sellers, as well as to identify potential zones where one side dominates the other.
How it works
1. The indicator calculates the average volume over a specified period.
2. It determines the strength of each bar, taking into account volume and price action.
3. RSI is used as an additional factor to assess the strength of the trend.
4. Based on these factors, the "balance of power" between buyers and sellers is calculated.
5.When the balance of power exceeds a specified threshold, the indicator marks the beginning of the "buyer zone" or "seller zone".
How to use
1. Add the indicator to your chart in TradingView.
2. Configure the input parameters:
- "Period for average volume": determines the sensitivity to volume changes.
- "RSI period": affects the sensitivity of the RSI to price changes.
- "Strength threshold": sets the level for determining a significant imbalance.
- "Table Size": select the appropriate size of the information table.
3. Watch the signals on the chart:
- Blue triangle up: the beginning of the buyer zone.
- Red triangle down: the beginning of the seller zone.
4. Use the information table to get additional data:
- Current balance of power
- The presence of strength on the part of buyers or sellers
- Current RSI value
- Comprehensive analysis of market conditions
- Visual signals for potential entry points
- Customizable parameters to adapt to different trading styles
Informative table for quick analysis of the current situation
- Like any indicator, it can give false signals
- Requires additional analysis and confirmation by other tools
- Efficiency may vary depending on market conditions
Use this indicator in combination with other analysis methods to make trading decisions. Experiment with the settings to optimize for your trading style and selected assets.

Let's see how exactly RSI affects the operation of "Balance of Power [SYNC & TRADE]":
1. Determining the strength of the trend:
RSI is used as an additional indicator of the strength of the current trend. In the script, this is implemented as follows:
2. Influence on determining the strength of buyers and sellers:
RSI is taken into account when calculating the strength of buyers and sellers:
Here, RSI > 50 is considered a sign of buyer strength, and RSI < 50 - seller strength.
3. Balance of Power Adjustment:
RSI is also used to further adjust the overall balance of power:
This means that:
- If RSI is above 70 (very overbought), 25 pips are added to the balance.
- If RSI is below 30 (very oversold), 25 pips are subtracted from the balance.
4. Display in the info table:
The RSI value is displayed in the info table, allowing the trader to quickly assess the current state of the market:
Thus, the RSI in this indicator affects:
- Determining the overall strength of the trend
- Classifying the strength of buyers and sellers
- Adjusting the overall balance of power
- Providing additional information to the trader
Using RSI allows the indicator to take into account not only volume and price movement, but also the rate of price change, which makes the analysis of the balance of power more comprehensive and potentially more accurate.

Influence of Key Parameters
Average Volume Period
The "Average Volume Period" parameter (volumePeriod) plays an important role in determining the base level of trading volume:
1. Average Volume Calculation:
This parameter determines the number of bars used to calculate the moving average of volume.
2. Influence on determining strength:
The current volume is compared to the average to determine increased activity.
3. Indicator Sensitivity:
- A lower value makes the indicator more sensitive to short-term volume changes.
- A higher value smooths out fluctuations, focusing on long-term volume trends.
4. Adaptation to different timeframes:
- A lower timeframe may require a lower period for a faster reaction.
- On higher timeframes, a longer period may yield more stable results.

Strength Threshold
The "Strength Threshold" parameter (strengthThreshold) determines when the balance of power is considered significant:
1. Zone definition:
These conditions are used to identify buyer or seller dominance zones.
2. Impact on signals:
This parameter determines how often signals about the beginning of new zones will be generated.
3. Sensitivity settings:
- A lower threshold will result in more frequent signals, but will increase the risk of false positives.
- A higher threshold will reduce the number of signals, but may make them more reliable.
4. Balancing Reactivity and Stability:
- The optimal value depends on the volatility of the instrument and the trader's preferences.
- May require adjustment for different market conditions or timeframes.

Parameter Interaction
- The Average Volume Period and the Power Threshold work together to determine the indicator's sensitivity to changes in market conditions.
- Properly setting both parameters is important to balance between timely detection of changes and avoiding false signals.
- It is recommended to experiment with different combinations of these parameters to find the optimal settings for a specific trading style and instrument.

These additions to the script description provide a deeper understanding of how the Average Volume Period and the Power Threshold affect the operation of the Balance of Power [SYNC & TRADE] indicator.

The Average Volume Period mainly affects how the indicator interprets the current trading volume relative to the historical one. This helps to identify periods of increased activity in the market.

The Power Threshold, in turn, determines how significant the imbalance between buyers and sellers must be for the indicator to generate a signal. This parameter directly affects the frequency and potential reliability of signals.

It is important to note that these parameters interact with each other and with other aspects of the indicator, such as RSI. Proper adjustment of all parameters together is necessary for the indicator to be used effectively in various market conditions.

This is the complete English translation of the "Balance of Power [SYNC & TRADE]" indicator. The code structure and functionality remain the same, but all comments, variable names, and user-facing text have been translated to English.

Key changes include:

Translated input parameter labels and tooltips
Translated plot and alert titles and messages
Translated table cell labels
The indicator's logic and calculations remain unchanged. This English version should be fully functional and ready to use in TradingView, providing the same analysis and visualization as the original Russian version.

I will describe in detail the tables that are created in this TradingView indicator.

The indicator creates two tables:

Balance of power table (infoTable):
Located in the lower right corner of the chart
Consists of 4 cells in one row
Contains the following indicators:
Balance of power (in percent) with color indication (blue for positive balance, red for negative)
Buyer activity indicator ("Yes"/"No") with blue highlighting when active
Seller activity indicator ("Yes"/"No") with red highlighting when active
RSI value with gradient coloring (blue/red) depending on the value
Multi-timeframe direction table (directionTable):
Located in the upper right corner of the chart
Consists of 5 columns and 5 rows
Column headers: TF (timeframe), 2h, 3h, 4h, 1D
Rows contain the following information:
Dir (direction):
Shows "Long" or "Short" or "-"
Color indication: blue for Long, red for Short, gray for neutral
Count (counter):
Shows the number of consecutive candles in one direction
Strength % (strength):
Shows the normalized strength of the movement in percent
Inherits the color scheme from the direction
Winrate (percentage of successful trades):
Shows the percentage of successful signals and the total number of trades in brackets
Formatting features:

Text size is configured via the tableSize parameter ("tiny", "small", "normal")
All tables have a gray frame 1 pixel thick
Headers have a gray background with white text
Data cells have color indication depending on the values ​​and direction of movement
Tables are updated in real time with each new bar and provide a comprehensive market analysis on various timeframes.

Я подробно опишу таблицы, которые создаются в этом индикаторе TradingView.

В индикаторе создаются две таблицы:

Таблица баланса сил (infoTable):
Расположена в правом нижнем углу графика
Состоит из 4 ячеек в одной строке
Содержит следующие показатели:
Баланс сил (в процентах) с цветовой индикацией (синий для положительного баланса, красный для отрицательного)
Индикатор активности покупателей ("Да"/"Нет") с синей подсветкой при активности
Индикатор активности продавцов ("Да"/"Нет") с красной подсветкой при активности
Значение RSI с градиентной окраской (синий/красный) в зависимости от значения
Мультитаймфреймовая таблица направлений (directionTable):
Расположена в правом верхнем углу графика
Состоит из 5 столбцов и 5 строк
Заголовки столбцов: TF (таймфрейм), 2h, 3h, 4h, 1D
Строки содержат следующую информацию:
Dir (направление):
Показывает "Long" или "Short" или "-"
Цветовая индикация: синий для Long, красный для Short, серый для нейтрального
Count (счетчик):
Показывает количество последовательных свечей в одном направлении
Strength % (сила):
Показывает нормализованную силу движения в процентах
Наследует цветовую схему от направления
Winrate (процент успешных сделок):
Показывает процент успешных сигналов и общее количество сделок в скобках
Особенности форматирования:

Размер текста настраивается через параметр tableSize ("tiny", "small", "normal")
Все таблицы имеют серую рамку толщиной 1 пиксель
Заголовки имеют серый фон с белым текстом
Ячейки с данными имеют цветовую индикацию в зависимости от значений и направления движения
Таблицы обновляются в режиме реального времени с каждым новым баром и предоставляют комплексный анализ рынка на различных таймфреймах.

