This is my 2nd iteration for sending Signals via Plots. (first one was the 8bit Version) Now a cleaner approach (thanks for the hints LonesomeTheBlue)
_16bit_encode() Input a 16 bool Array Outputs a Float for transmitting via Plot
_16bit_decode() Input a Float from plot via input-mapping Outputs a Array of 16 bools
Future Ideas: Transmitting 2-4 Ints (-127 to 127) and Bools
Added: f_remap_bits() here you can mix the channels array in (16 bits) array remapped out (16 bits)
f_bool_operations() standard bit operations like: "and", "or", "not", "nand", "nor", "xor", "xnor", classic timerblocks (candletimers) "TP", "TPD", "TON", "TOF"
v3 bugfixing the TOF/TON Function (no masking of false)
added MDP
Minimum Deviation Percentage it will give you the option to filter out signals by only accepting new signals after a minimum move of the close price. for dca strategys very usefull, as it limits a overinvesting by a triggerhappy indicator.
v5 Added bool funtion "rate" it counts the bool-in compares it with needed trues in a given range example: channelin 0 bars 20 trues 10 channelout 1
no other changes
Added: f_infuse_signal() overloaded function it does infuse 1 to 8 signals into a 16 elements bool array (for each amount a overload) with an additional check for the channel provided for -1 < channel <15 example: f_infuse_signal(int channel1, bool mysignal1, int channel2, bool mysignal 2 , .... , int channel8, bool mysignal8, boolarray) f_infuse_signal(int channel1, bool mysignal1, boolarray)
bug hunting
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