Multi Exchange Relative Volume Indicator

The Multi Exchange Relative Volume indicator is a powerful tool designed to visualize the relative volume across different exchanges. This is particularly useful for decentralized securities like forex and crypto, where volume data is spread across multiple markets. By aggregating volume data from various exchanges, this indicator helps traders identify trends, spot unusual volume spikes, and make informed trading decisions.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Exchange Volume Aggregation: Collects and sums the volume data from up to five different exchanges, offering a holistic view of the market activity.
  • Customizable Inputs: Easily select and configure up to five different exchanges of your choice to monitor their volume activity.
  • Relative Volume Visualization: Compares the aggregated volume against historical averages to highlight periods of high or low volume.
  • Color-Coded Volume Bars: Volume bars are color-coded based on the relative volume percentage, providing quick visual cues:
    - Red for volume 1.0-1.5 times the average
    - Orange for volume 1.5-2.0 times the average
    - Green for volume 2.0-3.0 times the average
    - Yellow for volume greater than 3.0 times the average
    - Grey for below average volume
  • Dynamic Lookback Period: Adjust the lookback period to suit your trading style and timeframe, allowing for flexible analysis.
  • Exponential Moving Average (EMA): Includes an EMA of volume to smooth out short-term fluctuations and highlight longer-term trends.
  • Scalable Layout: The scaling factor allows you to zoom in or out, adjusting the visual representation of volume data to better fit your chart.


  1. Configure Exchanges: Select up to five exchanges you want to monitor from the input settings.
  2. Set Lookback Period and Bars: Customize the lookback period and the number of bars to consider for calculating average volume.
  3. Adjust Scaling: Use the scaling factor to zoom in or out on the volume data for better visualization.
  4. Interpret Volume Bars: Analyze the color-coded volume bars to identify significant changes in volume and potential trading opportunities.
  5. Monitor EMA: Use the EMA line to understand the trend and smooth out noise from the volume data.

The Multi Exchange Relative Volume indicator is an essential tool for traders who want to gain deeper insights into market activity across multiple exchanges. By visualizing relative volume, it helps in identifying potential breakout or breakdown points, enhancing your trading strategy.

