polyreg(sample_x, sample_y) Method to return a polynomial regression channel using (X,Y) sample points. Parameters: sample_x: float array, sample data X points. sample_y: float array, sample data Y points. Returns: tuple with: _predictions: Array with adjusted Y values. _max_dev: Max deviation from the mean. _min_dev: Min deviation from the mean. _stdev/_sizeX: Average deviation from the mean.
draw(sample_x, sample_y, extend, mid_color, mid_style, mid_width, std_color, std_style, std_width, max_color, max_style, max_width) Method for drawing the Polynomial Regression into chart. Parameters: sample_x: float array, sample point X value. sample_y: float array, sample point Y value. extend: string, default=extend.none, extend lines. mid_color: color, default=color.blue, middle line color. mid_style: string, default=line.style_solid, middle line style. mid_width: int, default=2, middle line width. std_color: color, default=color.aqua, standard deviation line color. std_style: string, default=line.style_dashed, standard deviation line style. std_width: int, default=1, standard deviation line width. max_color: color, default=color.purple, max range line color. max_style: string, default=line.style_dotted, max line style. max_width: int, default=1, max line width. Returns: line array.
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