Library "alerts" The library provides options to run alert() calls in loop without worrying about limitations of frequency options. When an alert statement is called within a loop, it will fire just once per bar irrespective of how many iterations allowed when fequency is set to alert.freq_once_per_bar or alert.freq_once_per_bar_close it will fire continuously till it breaks when frequency is set to alert.freq_all The function helps overcome this issue by using varip key array which resets on every bar
method alert(message, key) Enhanced alert which can be used in loops Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string Parameters: message (string): Alert message to be fired key (string): Key to be checked to avoid repetitive alerts Returns: array containing id of already fired alerts
method updateAlertTemplate(this, template) Updates alert template with given keys and values Namespace types: map<string, string> Parameters: this (map<string, string>): map containing key value pair template (string): Alert message template Returns: updated alert message
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