Contains the following methods: _type() - Returns the type of the variable in the forms "int", "array<int>", "matrix<linefill>" _type_item() - Returns the type of the variable or of the element (for array/matrix). (e.g. `arrayFloat._type_item()` returns 'float'). _type_struct() - Returns the type of the structure only (i.e. "array" or "matrix"), for simple types (like e.g. `int`) returns "simple". (e.g. `arrayFloat._type_struct()` returns 'array'). _tona() - Casts na to the type of the parent object. (e.g. for an `int x` calling `x.tona()` returns `int(na)`
The _type() / _type_item() / _type_struct() methods are available for the following types: int float bool string color line label box table linefill int[] float[] bool[] string[] color[] line[] label[] box[] table[] linefill[] matrix <int> matrix <float> matrix <bool> matrix <string> matrix <color> matrix <line> matrix <label> matrix <box> matrix <table> matrix <linefill>
The `tona()' method is available only for the simple types (except `linefill`, coundn't make it work for it)
Please see the descriptions in the script.
v2 Added tona() method for array and matrix types, for which it returns na value of the same type as their underlying elements. E.g. `matrixFloat.tona()` returns `float(na)`
v3 Now .tona() is also working for linefill, array<linefill> and matrix<linefill>.
v4 Added method cast() - casts int to float if sampleVar is float. Does nothing otherwise. (May be used to cast const int literals to float in the overloaded functions based on the tyoe of other arguments, e.g. if overloaded function adds a row filled with `1` to a float or int matrix.)
v5 Fixed missing `export` for tona(linefill)
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