This Library consists of functions for returning arrays of words starting with I through Q. By splitting the data through multiple libraries, I can import more tokens into my final compiled script, so having this data separately is extremely helpful.
This library is the the container 1/3 for my database of 5 Letter words uses in my "Word Puzzle" Game.
If there were more than 999 words under 1 first letter, then I have made the array for the 1 letter into 2. 'letter1' & 'letter2', these are used for the letters "P, B, & S".
All words are lowercase
i_ary() - Returns an array of words starting with "I" j_ary() - Returns an array of words starting with "J" k_ary() - Returns an array of words starting with "K" l_ary() - Returns an array of words starting with "L" m_ary() - Returns an array of words starting with "M" n_ary() - Returns an array of words starting with "N" o_ary() - Returns an array of words starting with "O" p1_ary() - Returns an array of words starting with "P" p2_ary() - Returns an array of words starting with "P" q_ary() - Returns an array of words starting with "Q"
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