
BTC Performance Table / BTC Seasonality Visualization

This script visualizes Bitcoins "seasonality", in form of a colored table (based on the idea from "BigBangTheory")
The history table shows you which months do statistically perform better/worse in comparison to other months.

How to use this script:
Choose ticker "BLX" ("BraveNewCoin Liquid Index for Bitcoin").
Set the charts time frame to weekly or daily. Tables position on the screen and its colors are configurable.

Table explanation:
Cells show whether a gain or a loss occured from month to month, since BTC came out in 2010.
The price difference, between monthly open and monthly close, determines the cell color (negative -> red, positive -> green).
The year column shows total gain (green) or loss (red) for that particular year.
Each value is presented as a rounded percentage number.

How this script works:
The script calculates the price difference between each monthly and yearly open and close, storing those numbers inside arrays.
Then it populates the table, by using those numbers and doing the cell coloring (there will be a yellow cell, in case no change should occur).

German Short-Description
Prozentuale Übersicht in Tabellenform, der monatlichen, sowie jährlichen, Performance des Bitcoin (basierend auf der Idee von "BigBangTheory").
Hierdurch wird die "Saisonalität" des Bitcoin sichtbar. D.h. welche Monate des Jahres, im Vergleich zu anderen Monaten, statistisch gesehen öfter positiv/negativ schließen.
Zwecks vollständiger Darstellung muss der Ticker "BLX" ("BraveNewCoin Liquid Index for Bitcoin") im weekly oder daily time frame aktiv sein.

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