Overview: This is an educational script for Pine Script developers. The script includes data structure, functions/methods, and process to capture and print Pine Script execution map of functions called while pine script execution.
Map of execution is produced for last/latest candle execution.
The script also has example code to call execution map methods and generate Pine Execution map.
Use cases:
Pine script developers can get view of how the functions are called
This can also be used while debugging the code and know which functions are called vs what developer expect code to do
One can use this while using any of the open source published script and understand how public script is organized and how functions of the script are called.
Method called from main/global scope to record execution of main scope code. There should be only one call to this method at the start of global scope.
Method called from main/global scope to record end of execution of main scope code. There should be only one call to this method at the end of global scope.