Library "Utility" A utility library for various trading tools such as signal generation, custom indicators, and multi-condition crossovers.
multiCrossover(source1, source2, threshold1, threshold2) multiCrossover description Detects multi-condition crossovers between two sources with threshold filters. Parameters: source1 (float): The first data series to compare. source2 (float): The second data series to compare. threshold1 (float): A value that source1 must exceed to trigger the crossover. threshold2 (float): A value that source2 must exceed to trigger the crossunder. Returns: A tuple: (crossUp, crossDown) where crossUp is a boolean for upward crossover, and crossDown is for downward crossover.
macdCustom(source, fastLength, slowLength, signalLength, macdThresh) macdCustom description Calculates custom MACD signals based on thresholds. Parameters: source (float): The price data or input series. fastLength (simple int): The length of the fast EMA. slowLength (simple int): The length of the slow EMA. signalLength (simple int): The signal line length. macdThresh (float): A threshold for the MACD line to confirm buy/sell signals. Returns: A tuple: (macdBuySignal, macdSellSignal) where macdBuySignal is true when MACD crosses above, and macdSellSignal is true when MACD crosses below the signal line.
combinedMacdRsi(source, fastLength, slowLength, signalLength, rsiLength, macdThresh, rsiThresh) combinedMacdRsi description Generates combined signals from MACD and RSI indicators. Parameters: source (float): The price data or input series. fastLength (simple int): The length of the fast EMA for MACD. slowLength (simple int): The length of the slow EMA for MACD. signalLength (simple int): The signal line length for MACD. rsiLength (simple int): The length of the RSI calculation. macdThresh (float): The threshold for MACD signals. rsiThresh (float): The threshold for RSI signals. Returns: A tuple: (buySignal, sellSignal) where buySignal is generated when MACD is positive and RSI is below the threshold, and sellSignal when MACD is negative and RSI is above the threshold.
movingAverageCrossover(source, shortLength, longLength) movingAverageCrossover description Detects crossovers between short-term and long-term moving averages. Parameters: source (float): The price data or input series. shortLength (int): The length of the short-term moving average. longLength (int): The length of the long-term moving average. Returns: A tuple: (crossUp, crossDown) where crossUp is true when the short-term MA crosses above the long-term MA, and crossDown when the reverse occurs.
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