A comprehensive testing framework for Pine Script on TradingView. Built with well-known testing paradigms like Assertions, Units and Suites. It offers the ability to log test results in TradingView's built-in Pine Protocol view, as well as displaying them in a compact table directly on your chart, ensuring your scripts are both robust and reliable.
Unit testing Pine Script indicators, libraries, and strategies becomes seamless, ensuring the precision and dependability of your TradingView scripts. Beyond standard function testing based on predefined input values, PineUnit supports series value testing. This means a test can run on every bar, taking into account its specific values. Moreover, you can specify the exact conditions under which a test should execute, allowing for series-based testing only on bars fitting a designated scenario.
After running your script, you'll notice a table on your chart displaying the test results. For a detailed log output, you can also utilize the Pine Protocol view in TradingView.
This shows how PineUnit efficiently captures and reports discrepancies in test expectations.
It's important to recognise the difference between `createSimpleTest()` and `createSeriesTest()`. In contrast to a simple test, a series-based test is executed on each bar, making assertions on series values.
License This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at mozilla.org/MPL/2.0
@ Guardian667
A Personal Note As a software developer experienced in OO-based languages, diving into Pine Script is a unique journey. While many aspects of it are smooth and efficient, there are also notable gaps, particularly in the realm of testing. We've all been there: using `plotchar()` for debugging, trying to pinpoint those elusive issues in our scripts. I've come to appreciate the value of writing tests, which often obviates the need for such debugging. My hope is that this Testing Framework serves you well and saves you a significant amount of time, more that I invested into developing this "baby."
v2 Fixed float comparison. Consider two na values as equal
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