

Created By Request for lucalucious

Allows for EMA Smoothing with different values for Up and Down Trend.

Ability to Plot EMA to see Trend Filter


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//Created by Chrismoody on 7/22/2014 By Request for user lucalucious
//Modified Heikinashi with EMA Filter...
//Choice To Plot EMA Trend Is Based Off Of
study(title = "CM_Modified_Heik_Trend_Bars", shorttitle="CM_TrendBars",overlay=true)
note = input(false, title="Lower Numbers = More Sensitive to Price Change...Higher Numbers = Less Sensitive")
uema = input(34, minval=1, maxval=50, title="EMA UpTrend")
dema = input(34, minval=1, maxval=50, title="EMA DownTrend")
shema = input(false, title="Show EMA Trend is Based On?")

haclose = (open + high + low + close)/4
haopen = na(haopen[1]) ? (open + close)/2 : (haopen[1] + haclose[1]) / 2

upEma = ema(haclose, uema)
downEma = ema(haopen, dema)

emaAvg = (upEma + downEma)/2

heikUpColor() => hlc3 >= emaAvg
heikDownColor() => hlc3 < emaAvg

col = hlc3 >= emaAvg[1] ? lime : hlc3 < emaAvg[1] ? red : white

barcolor(heikUpColor() ? lime: heikDownColor() ? red : na)
plot(shema and emaAvg ? emaAvg : na, title="EMA UpTrend", style=line, linewidth=3, color=col)