
[RS]Session Open Price Levels V0

EXPERIMENTAL: theres some issues, like not being able to read sidney's open bar on the start of the week, so use this cautiously :p

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study(title="[RS]Session Open Price Levels V0", shorttitle="[RS]SOPL.V0", overlay=true)
sidney_hours = "1700-0300", sidney_open = "1600-1601"
tokyo_hours = "1900-0400", tokyo_open = "1800-1801"
london_hours = "0300-1200", london_open = "0200-0201"
newyork_hours = "0800-1700", newyork_open = "0700-0701"

sidneyprice = time("1", sidney_open) ? open : time("1", sidney_hours) ? sidneyprice[1] : na
tokyoprice = time("1", tokyo_open) ? open : time("1", tokyo_hours) ? tokyoprice[1] : na
londonprice = time("1", london_open) ? open : time("1", london_hours) ? londonprice[1] : na
newyorkprice = time("1", newyork_open) ? open : time("1", newyork_hours) ? newyorkprice[1] : na

sidneycolor = time("1", sidney_hours) ? black : na
tokyocolor = time("1", tokyo_hours) ? teal : na
londoncolor = time("1", london_hours) ? blue : na
newyorkcolor = time("1", newyork_hours) ? navy : na

plot(sidneyprice, color=sidneycolor, linewidth=2)
plot(tokyoprice, color=tokyocolor, linewidth=2)
plot(londonprice, color=londoncolor, linewidth=2)
plot(newyorkprice, color=newyorkcolor, linewidth=2)