
Crypto 1 hour

3 990
Similar to indicator stock 4 hour
Stocks 4 hour

this bot design for crypto 1 hour chart (i find this time frame as the best one for it)
two versions of operation
1. non repainted as suggested by pine coders LucF
2. the other one is repainted with my supress repaint mechanism
the repainted version work fine but be aware that repaint may occur so it not perfect
if you decide to use the repainted one just know it not perfect even if i try my best to remove all repaint issue
alerts included
one way to check for repainting signals is by using bar repaly
the other way to see is to convert from repaint mode to unrepaint mode
if signal move 1 mtf forwrd and stay by similar order you saw before ' you can say that it was a true signal
normaly when we do this the repaint ones need to dissaper when we covert them to non repaint mode
if they move 1 mtf ahead then they were true when they were on the unrepainted version
system is very similar to ECG MACD strategy with some minor changes that I made in the buy and sell but this not so imprtant .
the daily candels are non repainting MTF candles. it just to make the atudy more preety . but it has no relation to buy and sell operation
The way i sugeest to use the repainted model is not automatic since there is repaint sometime
i suggest to use semi automatic mode
meaning the algo send alert . you just need manualy to check if the alert was true or not
since it buy and sell very slowly ,you have enough time to enter trades manualy for it.
if you find this manuver not needed and it working fine live . only if you are sure in that then move this indicator to act as real bot and make it full automatic
why i use repaint mode?
becosue the correction of repaint move the signal 1 mtf ahead. so most of time the repainted version send signals at more true postition. sometime due to repaint which can be we may get bad signal. but overall the system us design to work better at repaint mode.
so let me know what you think
in future i will try to make my anti repaint system to ne better I hope:) ?
so be wise when you put your money to something. use your decision wisely
treat this indicator as helper but it your job to monitor when there is a repaint or not..
change the brain system as too much repaint was detected
fix some issue
when repaint just try with treshold and back repaly to see where the best condition exist normaly between 350-500 up or down
change system to diffrent one
fix some issue
the issue is from where to get signal
I find out that there is 30% difference between the repaint model and the actual model
if i put on this setting it should be shoot the signal as it it seen on picture but if you do bar repaly you will see nothing
if we lower the treshold up and down let say to 400 we will in the bar repaly how the model was shoooting but the signal will come from the real moedel not from the picture that seen on the screen done by the security
so this will cose much more repaint issue.
try to reduce repaint

