Countdown Interval Timer

Countdown Interval Timer calculates the time remaining (in seconds) until bar close and 5 custom intervals (minutes).

Given the execution model of Pine Script is ticked-based, alerts based on this indicator will only trigger if there is a tick at the right time.
Specifically, a tick would be required between the event target (close of bar time, end of minute/s interval), less the Trigger Threshold (default = 5 seconds before).

Alert instructions:
1. Create new alert
2. Select Condition options as:
a) This indicator & desired plot (Ti_Cl, Ti_01, Ti_02, Ti_03, Ti_04 or Ti_05)
b) 'Crossing Down'
c) This indicator & 'Trigger'
3. Set Options to 'Once Per Minute'

Note that if you change the input values of this indicator you will need to recreate the alert as it will not pick up the changes.
For example if you change 'Time interval 01' from 1 to 3, the alert will remain at 1
Updated script to include an optional extra symbol formula input.
If the other symbols are active but the chart symbol is not, this will help with a time tick for the countdown timer to use.
It is recommended to specify a formula of multiple symbols because any tick in any of the symbols will trigger the countdown tick.
Pine utilities


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