True Strength Index

5 233
The script implements a custom version of TSI (True Strength Index). This index may be useful for determining overbought and oversold conditions, indicating potential trend direction changes via centerline or signal line crossovers, and warning of trend weakness through divergence.

The script highlights when TSI line crosses the signal line with a colored triangle, that is
  • when the TSI line crosses above the signal line from below, that may warrant buying, a green triangle that's pointing up is drawned;
  • when the TSI line crosses below the signal line from above, that may warrant selling, a red triangle that's pointing down is drawned.

Note: Signal line crossovers occur frequently, so should be utilized only in conjunction with other signals from the TSI.

The script is very easy to use and it is possible to change the following parameters:
  • EMA smoothing period for momentum (default value is 25)
  • EMA smoothing period for smoothed momentum (default value is 13)
  • Signal line period (default value is 7)
  • The type of signal line: EMA or SMA (default value is EMA)
  • Show or not the TSI line
  • Show or not the signal line

