Contains type and methods for drawing higher-timeframe bands of several types:
Bollinger bands
Parabolic SAR
By copy pasting ready made code sections to your script you can add as many multi-timeframe bands as necessary.
Please see instructions in the code. (Important: first fold all sections of the script: press Cmd + K then Cmd + - (for Windows Ctrl + K then Ctrl + -)
atr2(length) An alternate ATR function to the `ta.atr()` built-in, which allows a "series float" `length` argument. Parameters: length (float): (series int/float) Length for the smoothing parameter calculation. Returns: (float) The ATR value.
pine_supertrend2(factor, atrLength, wicks) An alternate SuperTrend function to `supertrend()`, which allows a "series float" `atrLength` argument. Parameters: factor (float): (series int/float) Multiplier for the ATR value. atrLength (float): (series int/float) Length for the ATR smoothing parameter calculation. wicks (simple bool): (simple bool) Condition to determine whether to take candle wicks into account when reversing trend, or to use the close price. Optional. Default is false. Returns: ([float, int]) A tuple of the superTrend value and trend direction.
method getDefaultBandQ1(bandType) For a given BandType returns its default Q1 Namespace types: series BandTypes Parameters: bandType (series BandTypes)
method getDefaultBandQ2(bandType) For a given BandType returns its default Q2 Namespace types: series BandTypes Parameters: bandType (series BandTypes)
method getDefaultBandQ3(bandType) For a given BandType returns its default Q3 Namespace types: series BandTypes Parameters: bandType (series BandTypes)
method init(this, bandsType, q1, q2, q3, vwapAnchor) Initiates RsParamsBands for each band (used in htfUpdate() withi req.sec()) Namespace types: RsParamsBands Parameters: this (RsParamsBands) bandsType (series BandTypes) q1 (float): (float) Depending on type: BB - length, SAR - AF start, ST - ATR's prd q2 (float): (float) Depending on type: BB - StdDev mult, SAR - AF step, ST - mult q3 (float): (float) Depending on type: BB - not used, SAR - AF max, ST - not used vwapAnchor (series VwapAnchors): (VwapAnchors) VWAP ahcnor
method init(this, bandsType, tf, showRecentBars, lblsShow, lblsMaxLabels, lblSize, lnMidClr, lnUpClr, lnLoClr, fill, fillClr, lnWidth, lnSmoothen) Initialises object with params (incl. input). Creates arrays if any. Namespace types: HtfBands Parameters: this (HtfBands) bandsType (series BandTypes): (BandTypes) Just used to enable/disable - if BandTypes.none then disable ) tf (string): (string) Timeframe showRecentBars (int): (int) Only show over this number of recent bars lblsShow (bool): (bool) Show labels lblsMaxLabels (int): (int) Max labels to show lblSize (string): (string) Size of the labels lnMidClr (color): (color) Middle band color lnUpClr (color): (color) Upper band color lnLoClr (color): (color) Lower band color fill (bool) fillClr (color): (color) Fill color lnWidth (int): (int) Line width lnSmoothen (bool): (bool) Smoothen the bands
method htfUpdateTuple(rsPrms, repaint) (HTF) Calculates Bands within Returns tuple [middleBand, upperBand, lowerBand]. If any or all of the bands are not available returns na as their value. Namespace types: RsParamsBands Parameters: rsPrms (RsParamsBands): (RsParamsBands) Parameters of the band. repaint (bool): (bool) If true does not update on realtime bars. Returns: A tuple [HTF bar_index, middle, upper, lower, direction] (corresponds to fields in RsReturnBands)
method importRsRetTuple(this, htfBi, mid, up, lo, dir) Imports a tuple returned from req.sec() into an HtfBands object Namespace types: HtfBands Parameters: this (HtfBands): (HtfBands) Object to import to htfBi (int): (float) Higher timeframe's bar index (Default = na) mid (float) up (float): (float) Value of upper band (Default = na) lo (float): (float) Value of lower band (Default = na) dir (int): (int) Direction (for bands like Parabolic SAR) (Default = na)
method addUpdDrawings(this, rsPrms) Draws band's labels Namespace types: HtfBands Parameters: this (HtfBands) rsPrms (RsParamsBands)
method update(this) Sets band's values to na on intrabars if `smoothen` is set. Namespace types: HtfBands Parameters: this (HtfBands)
method newRsParamsBands(this) A wraper for Namespace types: LO_A Parameters: this (LO_A)
method newHtfBands(this) A wraper for Namespace types: LO_B Parameters: this (LO_B)
RsParamsBands Used to pass bands' params to req.sec() Fields: bandsType (series BandTypes): (enum BandTypes) Type of the band (BB, SAR etc.) q1 (series float): (float) Depending on type: BB - length, SAR - AF start, ST - ATR's prd q2 (series float): (float) Depending on type: BB - StdDev mult, SAR - AF step, ST - mult q3 (series float): (float) Depending on type: BB - not used, SAR - AF max, ST - not used vwapAnchor (series VwapAnchors)
RsReturnBands Used to return bands' data from req.sec(). Params of the bands are in RsParamsBands Fields: htfBi (series float): (float) Higher timeframe's bar index (Default = na) upBand (series float): (float) Value of upper band (Default = na) loBand (series float): (float) Value of lower band (Default = na) midBand (series float): (float) Value of middle band (Default = na) dir (series int): (float) Direction (for bands like Parabolic SAR) (Default = na)
BandsDrawing Contains plot visualization parameters and stores and keeps track of lines, labels and other visual objects (not plots) Fields: lnMidClr (series color): (color) Middle band color lnLoClr (series color): (color) Lower band color lnUpClr (series color): (color) Upper band color fillUpClr (series color) fillLoClr (series color) lnWidth (series int): (int) Line width lnSmoothen (series bool): (bool) Smoothen the bands showHistory (series bool): (bool) If true show bands lines, otherwise only current level showRecentBars (series int): (int) Only show over this number of recent bars arLbl (array<label>): (label Labels lblsMaxLabels (series int): (int) Max labels to show lblsShow (series bool): (bool) Show labels lblSize (series string): (string) Size of the labels
HtfBands Calcs and draws HTF bands Fields: rsRet (RsReturnBands): (RsReturnBands) Bands' values rsRetNaObj (RsReturnBands): (RsReturnBands) Dummy na obj for returning from rsPrms (RsParamsBands): (RsParamsBands) Band parameters (for htfUpdate() called in req.sec() ) drw (BandsDrawing): (BandsDrawing) Contains plot visualization parameters and stores and keeps track of lines, labels and other visual objects (not plots) enabled (series bool): (bool) Toggles bands on/off tf (series string): (string) Timeframe
LO_A LO Library object, whose only purpose is to serve as a shorthand for library name in script code. Fields: dummy (series string)
LO_B LO Library object, whose only purpose is to serve as a shorthand for library name in script code. Fields: dummy (series string)
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