Candle Low Offset [QuadzCrypto]

==== Candle Low Offset Indicator [Quadz Crypto] ====

==== Overview ====

The "Candle Low Offset" indicator offers a method for tracking a price point that sit below the low of each candle by a percentage offset.

It was originally intended to provide a price point with flexibility for setting a stop loss below the entry candle low, however, it could be used for other applications.

==== Definitions ====

- Offset Percentage: The % below the low you wish the trend line to follow configurable to 0.01 increments

==== Plots ====

- Offset: Plots a trend line below the candle lows

==== Style ====

- Offset: Allows users to configure the colour and thickness of the offset plot line

==== Application ====

This has been coded to be used with the Max StopLoss function on the Krown Quant SKX indicator to provide an alternative stop loss location on the entry candle.

==== Disclaimer ====

This indicator is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Trading involves risk, and you should consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any trading decisions.
Candlestick analysiseducationalmultitimeframe


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