Price Volume Trend Crosses

7 740
This script is a modified version of the Price Volume Trend (PVT) that uses a moving average of the PVT as a signal (sig) line.
  • The length of the signal line can be adjusted as needed by changing the "PVTC Signal Length" value inside the indicator settings menu.
  • "PVTC Signal Type" allows you to pick between EMA and SMA as the signal line.

Logic behind this script:
  • If PVT > sig it indicates an bullish environment and gets coloured with the UP color.
  • If PVT < sig it indicates a bearish environment and get coloured with the DOWN color.

  • Colors can be modified in the indicator settings menu.
  • Crosses can be highlighted by ticking the "Highlight Crosses" box in the indicator settings menu.
  • "Fill Gaps" fills the gap between PVT and sig with the prevailing trends color.

PVTC should not be used on its own but in conjunction with other indicators!

